Resurrect Your Ice Cream Maker For Better Frozen Drinks

Although electric ice cream makers are much more popular these days, you may still have an old-fashioned manual version sitting around and it is possible to use these types to make frozen beverages. However, while it will reduce the number of ice crystals just like the electric ones, it will take much more effort to add salt to the outside rim and hand-crank everything until frozen. There are also options for ice cream maker attachments that fit onto a stand mixer, but this method for drink-making will work best in machines that have a canister you can pour everything into.

Most ice cream makers with canisters will ask you to freeze the container at least 12 hours ahead of time, so make sure to pop yours into the freezer the night before you want to make frozen drinks. You’ll also want to keep your alcohol, if you’re using it, in the freezer beforehand so it’s cold going into the maker. And, if you’d normally add ice to a drink recipe in the blender, replace it with a little bit less water in the ice cream maker. Then let the device do its thing until you get a thick, frozen beverage.

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