16 Foods That Benefit From Salted Butter

We all love our veggies, but it’s probably safe to say we love them more when they are cooked with a bit of fat. Lucky for us, health experts claim that adding fat, like salted butter, to your vegetables will help your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins (via National Health Service). Since veggies should be on your menu every night, be sure to use up a dab of salted butter next time you plan to cook them.

Cooked vegetables like carrots, parsnips, rutabaga, onions, and garlic taste lovely with the rich addition. For example, onions and garlic benefit from being cooked gently in the fat, while heartier vegetables like rutabaga and carrots do better with being finished with a bit of melty butter. That’s because onion and garlic can soften quickly, so you don’t have to worry so much about burning butter. However, carrots, parsnips, and rutabaga typically need longer cooking times, so finishing them with a drizzle is typically the way to go.

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