While the company is launching E-Vitara in New Delhi tomorrow, Suzuki said that he personally feels it is best to use compact vehicles among EVs after mastering proper manufacturing techniques. Indicating his company’s plans to launch EVs in the small cars segment, he pointed out that despite a fall in sale of small cars, Maruti Suzuki’s small car sale is comparable to the sale of other SUVs. He added that small cars won’t cease to exist, as he highlighted that 1 million people in India likely to shift from 2-wheelers to cars will need affordable small cars.
As the company aims for a market share of 50%, Suzuki stressed on the need to proceed with a multi-pathway strategy for mobility in different segments. Indicating that it’s not possible to change all models to EV models, he highlighted the need for region-wise mobility solutions with the right product at the right place. He said that royalty structure is not going to change based on the exchange rate, in view of the recent depreciation of the value of the Indian rupee. While SMC has discontinued with manufacture of diesel vehicles, he indicated that the diesel technology may revive somewhere in the world in near future.
Also Read :Maruti Suzuki crosses 1 lakh sales in 12 days, poised for record-breaking January 2025
(Edited by : Poonam Behura)