The chief minister visited the Z-Morh tunnel project site to assess preparations ahead of PM Modi’s visit. In a post on X, Abdullah shared his enthusiasm, saying, “Visited Sonamarg today to review preparations for PM @narendramodi ji’s visit on Monday. The inauguration of the Z-Morh tunnel will open Sonamarg to tourism all year round. Sonamarg will now be developed as a great ski resort.”
He went on to explain that the project would not only benefit tourism but also improve the lives of the local population. “The local population will not have to leave in winter and the travel time to Kargil/Leh from Srinagar will also reduce,” he added.
Visited Sonmarg today to review preparations for PM @narendramodi ji’s visit on Monday. The inauguration of the Z-morh tunnel will open Sonmarg to tourism all year round, Sonmarg will now be developed as a great ski resort. The local population will not have to leave in winter &…
— Omar Abdullah (@OmarAbdullah) January 11, 2025
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Abdullah also shared aerial footage of the tunnel site, offering a glimpse of the transformative project. During his visit, he was accompanied by his advisor Nasir Aslam Wani and MLA Kangan Mian Mehar Ali. They were briefed by Chief Secretary Atal Dulloo and Divisional Commissioner Kashmir Vijay Kumar Bidhuri on the extensive preparations for the inauguration of the strategic tunnel, an official spokesperson said.
The chief minister took the opportunity to inspect the tunnel tubes and engage with the engineers and workers involved in its construction, expressing his appreciation for their efforts in completing this vital infrastructure.
Abdullah also visited the location where PM Modi will address a public gathering and formally dedicate the tunnel to the nation.
Looking ahead, the chief minister reiterated his vision of transforming Ganderbal into a leading winter sports destination. He noted that the Sonamarg Tunnel would provide all-weather access to the town, complementing Gulmarg as a key skiing and winter sports location, thus unlocking new opportunities for tourism and economic growth in the region.
Also read | Tourists flock to Gulmarg for skiing as fresh snowfall hits Jammu and Kashmir
The Z-Morh tunnel will significantly improve connectivity between Srinagar and Leh, enhancing access to Sonamarg, and boosting both the region’s tourism and economic development.
(Edited by : Jerome Anthony)