Samsung upgraded from 12MP primary cameras to 50MP cameras with the Galaxy S22. The Galaxy S23 and the Galaxy S24 use the same 50MP primary camera introduced with the Galaxy S22. However, we might see a change next year, with the Galaxy S25 and the Galaxy S25+ upgrading to a newer camera sensor.
Galaxy S25 and Galaxy S25+ could use Sony camera sensors
According to a report from tipster Revegnus (@Tech_Reve), the Galaxy S25 and the Galaxy S25+ will ditch the ISOCELL GN3 50MP camera sensor used in the Galaxy S22, Galaxy S23, and Galaxy S24. The two phones will reportedly switch to a new camera sensor from Sony. The exact sensor size and model number of that camera part weren’t revealed, though. It is possible that Samsung will use a bigger camera sensor, but nothing can be said for sure until more credible and in-depth information comes forth. We need to remind you that we are more than a year away from the possible announcement of the Galaxy S25 series.
Samsung is expected to bring several big changes to its flagship smartphone lineup with the Galaxy S25 series. With its 16th iteration in the Galaxy S lineup, the company is expected to bring a new in-house chipset that has been tailor-made for the Galaxy S25 series, unlike existing Exynos chips that are more general-purpose chips designed in a way that any smartphone brand can use it. This is internally called the ‘Dream Chip’, and it may feature a very powerful AMD RDNA3-based GPU.
Samsung could be working on a 1-inch ISOCELL camera sensor
For the Galaxy S25 Ultra, Samsung could stick to a 200MP camera sensor. However, a new sensor could be developed for the flagship smartphone. It may have a bigger sensor size. A separate claim from tipster Revegnus reveals that Samsung is working on a 1-inch ISOCELL camera sensor with 0.8µm pixels, dual-pixel autofocus, and in-sensor crop zoom. However, the model number of this camera sensor wasn’t revealed.
This isn’t the first time a rumor of a 1-inch camera sensor from Samsung is floated. Two separate reports of the company working on not one but two 1-inch camera sensors were revealed. However, Samsung isn’t expected to use this sensor in the near future.