Meet Abhinav, the 8th-Grader Who Solves Rubik’s Cube in 40 Seconds – Blindfolded!

Meet Abhinav, the 8th-Grader Who Solves Rubik’s Cube in 40 Seconds – Blindfolded!

In an astonishing display of cognitive prowess, 13-year-old Jatoth Abhinav from Godavarikhani, Peddapalli district, Telangana, is making waves with his exceptional problem-solving skills. This whiz kid can solve a Rubik’s Cube in a mere 40 seconds – and what’s even more remarkable, he can do it with his eyes closed!

Abhinav, a class 8 student at Social Welfare School, has always been fascinated by games that challenge his intellect. He excels in chess, having performed impressively at the district level, and has even received accolades from celebrities.

During his summer break, Abhinav decided to master the Rubik’s Cube. With dedication and persistence, he learned the tricks of solving the cube in just a few days. Through consistent practice, he developed muscle memory, enabling him to solve the cube with ease – even blindfolded!

When asked about his technique, Abhinav shared that the key to solving the cube quickly lies in repetition. By practicing a series of steps, the cube’s assembly becomes second nature. With his eyes closed, Abhinav can solve the cube in under a minute, leaving onlookers amazed.

Abhinav’s remarkable talent and passion for brain-boosting games are a testament to the importance of nurturing cognitive skills in children. With his exceptional problem-solving abilities, this young prodigy is sure to make a mark in the world of chess, cubing, and beyond!

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