Could China’s Child Pneumonia Outbreak Spread? All You Need to Know

China’s health-care system is once again in the spotlight as a wave of pneumonia cases sweeps through the country, hitting kids particularly hard. The sudden increase in sick children, and a report suggesting widespread clusters of undiagnosed respiratory illnesses, prompted the World Health Organization to ask for more details in order to allay concerns that a novel pathogen — something like Covid-19 — was the source of the outbreaks. So far, Chinese officials say, it’s simply a laundry list of known germs that’s causing the problem.

Doctors have been warning for weeks that a common bacterial infection would likely cause a spike in “walking pneumonia” cases. In response to the WHO’s request for more data, Chinese health authorities said the uptick in outpatient visits and hospitalizations has been due to the spread of mycoplasma pneumoniae, RSV, adenovirus and influenza. Importantly, they say they haven’t detected any new pathogens. In turn, the WHO said that while the level of illness is unusually high for this time of year, it’s not unusual for winter to bring respiratory diseases. The group advised people to take basic precautions to reduce their risk — wear masks, stay home when sick, wash their hands regularly — and said there’s no need for any travel restrictions based on the current situation.

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