ROCHESTER – Wrapping up 18 years as a popular Rochester restaurant, award-winning
Chef Chris Rohe
served the final meals at
this past weekend.
“We were very, very busy. After such a long run, I’m ready to retire from the restaurant industry,” said Rohe. “I’ve been cooking for 37 years. Now is a good opportunity to move on to a new adventure.”
The restaurant at 1201 South Broadway in one of Crossroads Shopping Center buildings closed its doors for good on Nov. 18, 2023.
People with long memories will recall that Rohe opened the European-style Prescott’s in January 2006 in a space previously occupied by Bruegger’s Bagels. He had previously been the chef at former
Broadstreet Cafe
and the Rochester Athletic Club.
A farewell letter is posted on Prescott’s door.
“We sincerely enjoyed our time serving Rochester and all the people who call Rochester from afar. Without the immense outpouring of support for the local community, survival thru the pandemic would have been impossible. We wish to thank the community for many years of patronage,” stated the letter. “All the signs & signals that lead to our closure are, at best, insurmountable in resolution.”