Mum fears son’s killer became ‘more aggressive’ in prison

Mum fears son’s killer became ‘more aggressive’ in prison
PA Media Jimmy Mizen, a boy with black hair wearing a white shirt, smiles at the camera against a brown background.PA Media

Jimmy Mizen bled to death at the Three Cooks Bakery in Lee, south London, on 10 May 2008

The mother of murdered schoolboy Jimmy Mizen has told the BBC she worries his killer became “more aggressive” in prison.

Jake Fahri, then 19, received a life sentence after throwing a large glass dish that shattered, severing an artery in the 16-year-old’s neck in 2008.

The 35-year-old was released on licence in June 2023 but recalled on Thursday after “shamelessly boasting” about his crime, the Probation Service said.

Jimmy’s mother Margaret called Fahri’s earlier sentence “a waste” of time and money.

Reports in The Sun newspaper claimed that Fahri had recorded music referencing the murder as masked drill artist TEN.

Two songs by TEN have been played on BBC Radio 1Xtra’s Introducing show, although not those with the apparent reference to murder.

“I’m just wondering if in prison he’s become more aggressive, more arrogant than he was before he went in,” Mrs Mizen told BBC Breakfast.

“Because that’s what it appears to me.”

Ms Mizen said her son’s killer was “just a very arrogant person”

“Maybe he just thought that it doesn’t matter what he does, no one’s going to take any notice.

“But clearly someone has and now he’s back in prison.”

Jimmy’s father Barry previously said the situation raised “a few questions about the whole [prison] system – what’s the point?”

A HM Prison and Probation Service spokesperson said Jimmy’s family “deserve better than to see their son’s murderer shamelessly boasting about his violent crime.”

They added: “All offenders released on licence are subject to strict conditions. As this case shows, we will recall them to prison if they break the rules.”

TEN is a drill rap artist whose music often features violent themes, and who conceals his identity with a balaclava in videos.

Some of his lyrics read: “Sharpen up my blade I’ve got to keep those necessary. Stay alert and kept it ready, any corner could be deadly.”

Mrs Mizen previously said she was disappointed with the BBC for playing TEN’s music: “I’ll be wanting answers about that”.

Metropolitan Police Jake Fahri's mugshot.Metropolitan Police

Jake Fahri, 35, was released on licence in June 2023

She said TEN’s “awful [music] videos” incited violence and encouraged young people to carry and use knives.

Action should be taken on music that glamourises such themes, Mrs Mizen added.

“I pray with my heart something happens, that this is all banned – but that’s probably expecting too much.”

Fahri’s return to prison would take the family back to the time of Jimmy’s death, Mrs Mizen said.

“This is never going to go away for us, I think we’ve just got to accept that.”

Given the opportunity to speak with her son’s killer, Mrs Mizen said she would ask him: “Why mess up your life as you have?’ Because that’s what he’s done.”

A BBC spokesperson previously said: “This individual does not feature on any BBC playlists, we have never played – as we pointed out to the Sun – the lyrics they have printed.

“He’s had two other tracks played twice. 1Xtra has no further plans to play his music, we were not aware of his background and we in no way condone his actions.”

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