Among the key candidates announced by the Congress is former Union Minister Krishna Tirath, who will be contesting from Patel Nagar. Ariba Khan has been fielded from Okhla, and Dharam Pal Lakda from Mundka. The party has also nominated Rajesh Gupta for Kirari, Kunwar Karan Singh for Model Town, and Prem Sharma for Hari Nagar.
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Additional candidates include Harbani Kaur for Janakpuri, Jitender Solanki for Vikaspuri, Sushma Yadav for Najafgarh, Mange Ram for Palam, Vishesh Tokas for RK Puram, and Rajiv Chaudhary for Vishwas Nagar, among others.
In a last-minute change, the Congress replaced the candidate for the Gokalpur seat, selecting Ishwar Bagri in place of Pramod Jayanti.
This list, approved by the party’s Central Election Committee (CEC), brings the total number of Congress candidates declared for Delhi’s 70 assembly seats to 63. The Congress had earlier announced two lists, featuring 26 and 21 candidates, respectively.
The party is contesting all 70 assembly seats in Delhi, firmly rejecting any alliance with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), despite their national alliance within the Opposition’s INDIA bloc. The AAP and Congress had contested the 2024 Lok Sabha elections in Delhi, sharing seats at that time.
Here’s the full list of Congress candidates for the Delhi assembly elections:
- Dharam Pal Lakda (Mundka)
- Rajesh Gupta (Kirari)
- Kunwar Karan Singh (Model Town)
- Krishna Tirath (Patel Nagar – SC)
- Prem Sharma (Hari Nagar)
- Harbani Kaur (Janakpuri)
- Adv. Jitender Solanki (Vikaspuri)
- Ms. Sushma Yadav (Najafgarh)
- Mange Ram (Palam)
- Vishesh Tokas (RK Puram)
- Ariba Khan (Okhla)
- Rajiv Chaudhary (Vishwas Nagar)
- Kamal Arora (Gandhi Nagar)
- Jagat Singh (Shahdara)
- Bheesham Sharma (Ghonda)