Host Salman Khan offered a sneak peek of the winner’s trophy, adding excitement to the last few days ahead of the finale. In a video clip, the actor says, “Iss saal ka sabse bada finale 19th January ki raat. Bigg Boss grand finale hone wala hai bahut bhi khaas,” and reveals the trophy which seems to have a striking resemblance to the one awarded to Sidharth Shukla in season 13.
As the makers prepare to deliver a fun thrilling and exciting grand finale for Bigg Boss 18, here is all you need to know about the finalists, live streaming details, prize money, and more.
Bigg Boss 18: Finalists
Following the recent eviction of Chaahat Pandey, only seven contestants remain in the game with all of them already nominated for a mid-week elimination. With the finale just a few days away, the midweek election could dramatically alter the dynamics of the competition, leaving fans with the top five finalists. It is yet to be known if the makers have been planning for a double eviction.
???? Bigg Boss 18 Contestants Popularity Ranking Week-14
1. Rajat Dalal – 9,073 ❤️
2. Karan Veer Mehra – 6,565 ❤️
3. Vivian Dsena – 5,605
4. Chum Darang – 2,927
5. Avinash Mishra – 1,833
6. Eisha Singh – 1,194
7. Shilpa Shirodkar – 449Rajat is ahead right now, and Vivian and KV…
— #BiggBoss_Tak???? (@BiggBoss_Tak) January 13, 2025
As per the unofficial ratings posted by Bigg Boss Tak, Shilpa Shirodkar and Eisha Singh remain at the bottom rankings while Rajat Dalal, Karan Veer Mehra, Vivian Dsena, Chum Darang and Avinash Mishra bag the top five.
Bigg Boss 18: Prize money
Besides the coveted trophy, the winner of Bigg Boss 18 will also take home a cash prize of Rs 50 lakh.
Bigg Boss 18 Grand Finale: When And Where To Watch?
The Bigg Boss 18 grand finale is scheduled for Sunday, January 19, 2025, and will air in the premium time slot from 9.30 pm, set to be running for about three hours. Fans will be able to catch the live broadcast on Colors TV and can also stream it on Jio Cinema.
(Edited by : Sudarsanan Mani)