The 52-second teaser, unveiled on Sunday, January 5, showcases Kapoor as the titular character, Deva, delivering a blend of action, gripping stunts, and his signature swagger. Opening with a dance sequence, the teaser shifts gears to reveal his fearless cop persona. Dressed in khaki, Kapoor takes on goons with efficiency, embodying a modern-day “angry young man” reminiscent of Amitabh Bachchan.
While the teaser keeps the plot under wraps, reports suggest Shahid Kapoor plays a rebellious police officer investigating a high-profile case. As his character delves deeper, he uncovers a web of deceit and betrayal. The film also stars Pooja Hegde as a journalist, with Pavail Gulati, Kubbra Sait, and Parvessh Rana in pivotal roles.
Deva is directed by Rosshan Andrrews, known for his work in Malayalam cinema, including Mumbai Police and Salute. The screenplay is penned by a team of writers, including Bobby-Sanjay and Hussain Dalal. Produced by Zee Studios and Roy Kapur Films, the film is set to release in theatres on January 31, 2025.