“For the upcoming Mahakumbh Mela, IMD launched a special webpage today which will give weather updates every 15 minutes, and the weather forecast will also be available on the website twice a day,” Ranalkar told news agency ANI.
The webpage https://mausam.imd.gov.in/mahakumbh/ has been temporarily set up by the weather department . “We have installed three new AWS in it and weather updates from the Mahakumbh District will be available on the webpage every 15 minutes. Two digital displays will also be setup in the district for people to get real-time weather updates,” he said.
Also read | Rudraksh, Tulsi garlands being sourced from Nepal, Uttarakhand, other places for Maha Kumbh Mela
The Mahakumbh, which is held once every 12 years, is scheduled to begin on January 13 and conclude on February 26, in Prayagraj. Some 400 million pilgrims are expected at the spectacular Kumbh Mela festival in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj – billed as the largest gathering of humanity on the planet.
The main bathing rituals, known as the Shahi Snan (royal baths), will take place on January 14 (Makar Sankranti), January 29 (Mauni Amavasya), and February 3 (Basant Panchami).
Meanwhile, Seers of the Atal Akhara also arrived at the Mahakumbh camp in a grand procession and were warmly welcomed by police officials with garlands. Immersed in ashes, wearing garlands, riding horses, and beating drums, they entered the camp area.
(With inputs from PTI)
(Edited by : Jerome Anthony)