The CM also announced that those who were arrested under the Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA) during the emergency period will now be eligible for a monthly pension of ₹20,000.
Majhi made the announcements while addressing a function held on the occasion of the All India Freedom Fighters Day.
“Acknowledging freedom fighters role in India’s struggle for independence, the state government will enhance their pension amount. The freedom fighters who were imprisoned will get an increased pension of ₹20,000 from earlier ₹10,000 a month,” he said.
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Freedom fighters who actively participated in the Independence struggle, but were not imprisoned, would now get ₹15,000 instead of ₹9,000 a month.
Majhi said those who were arrested under the Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA) during the 21-month Emergency period will now be eligible for a monthly pension of ₹20,000.
Describing the Emergency as the “darkest period” of Independent India, Majhi said several people were arrested while fighting for re-establishment of democracy.
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“This was also called the second struggle for Independence and the pension amount is a step to honour their efforts,” the chief minister said.