The report highlights that Gross Revenue (GR) increased by 6.27% to ₹91,426 crore, while Applicable Gross Revenue (ApGR) rose by 6.20% to ₹88,236 crore. On a year-on-year basis, AGR recorded an impressive growth rate of 13.11%, underscoring the resilience of the telecom sector amid challenging market conditions.
Access services continued to dominate revenue contributions, accounting for 83.69% of the total AGR. Within Access services, Gross Revenue surged by 8.21%, ApGR grew by 7.31%, and AGR saw an 8.41% uptick. This growth was complemented by an 8.43% rise in License Fees and an 8.50% increase in Spectrum Usage Charges (SUC).
The growth in telecom revenues has been driven by increased data consumption, higher adoption of premium plans, and improved service quality across networks. The rising demand for digital services, along with ongoing infrastructure investments by telecom operators, has further contributed to the sector’s upward trajectory.
The report suggests that sustained growth in revenue will depend on continued digital adoption, network expansion, and policy support from the government. Industry experts anticipate further financial improvements in the upcoming quarters as operators focus on monetizing 5G services and enhancing digital offerings.