The Mumbai Police have launched an investigation and filed a case against an unidentified individual at the Mata Ramabai Ambedkar Marg (MRA Marg) police station.
Zone 1 Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) confirmed the development, stating, “A threatening email was received on the official website of the Reserve Bank of India. The email, written in Russian, warned to blow up the bank. A case has been registered, and the investigation is underway.”
The nature of the threat and its delivery has raised concerns, as the use of a foreign language may indicate an attempt to obscure the sender’s identity or origin. Investigative teams are reportedly analysing the email and other digital traces to identify the source and assess its credibility.
The RBI has not issued a public statement on the matter but is cooperating with law enforcement to ensure the safety of its premises. Security protocols have been heightened around the central bank’s offices as a precaution.
(Edited by : Vivek Dubey)