AEW Revolution 2024 results, live streaming coverage:Sting’s Last Match

All Elite Wrestling returns to pay-per-view TONIGHT (Sun., Mar. 3, 2024) with their annual Revolution PPV. The fifth edition of this AEW event comes our way from the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina at 8pm ET.

A Zero Hour pre-show will stream live and free starting at 6:30pm Eastern on All Elite’s YouTube channel, Bleacher Report, and right here at Cageside Seats.

In the U.S., the main card can be purchased on Bleacher Report (and traditional PPV). Internationally, it’s available on Triller TV.

We’ll have predictions from the staff for every match here, and a preview for the entire show here.

Cageside Seats will provide LIVE match-by-match coverage of Revolution End below, beginning with the first match of the night and right on through to the main event.

Kick your off your shoes, relax, and enjoy all the action with your favorite pro wrestling website. And remember to keep refreshing!



We are scanning the scene in the city tonight. We are looking for you to start up a fight. There is an evil feeling in our brains, but it is nothing new, you know it drives us insane. Running, on our way, hiding, you will pay, but me? I’m just here to liveblog this here pro wrestling show for you, folks.

Bang Bang Scissor Gang (Anthony Bowens, Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, Daddy Ass, “Switchblade” Jay White, & “Platinum” Max Caster) vs. Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen), Satnam Singh, & Willie Mack

Kassidy and Austin to start, feeling out, eventually we get Quen in, he eats Scissor Me Timbers, heels cut Colten off in turn and we get a big strut. A little bit of heat, hot tag from Bowens, only for him to eat a nearfall off a Lethal Combination! Hammering Jarrett with punches, cut off with a back elbow, crotching him on the ropes!

Boot up on the charge, diving blockbuster and Anthony Bowens is ready to roll! Daddy Ass with the hot tag, Mack with a Stunner, Ace Crusher from Lethal, Isiah off the top with a senton atomico, Quen hits the 450… BILLY GUNN KICKS OUT! Tag made, Switchblade ready with Blade Runner, he ducks Kassidy, the match breaks down into “everybody do something cool” territory…

Bang Bang Scissor Gang win by pinfall with Blade Runner from “Switchblade” Jay White on Willie Mack.

Post-match, Jay White gets on the mic and tells everyone to listen and then to throw their guns up. He talks about how great the fans in Greensboro are and hypes up tonight’s card as well as the Bang Bang Scissor Gang and AEW before teasing that he might have some Big Business of his own to handle on March 13.

We get a vignette for PAC’s return, “very soon, whether we like it or not.”

Julia Hart & Skye Blue vs. Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale

Stat and Willow in control early, Nightingale finds herself on the wrong side of Blue and a heat segment ensues. Tag made, strong women doing strong stuff, stacking ‘em up in the corner for a cannonball but Julia sits up in the turnbuckles to avoid her! Willow with a Death Valley Driver… HART KICKS OUT!

Short-arm lariats, spinebuste, Doctor Bomb reversed, sunset flip, blind tag in there somewhere and Skye kicks her head off but can’t keep Willow down! Nightingale missile dropkick, tag to Kris, Julia with the moonsault… WILLOW BREAKS IT UP! Kneeling armbar applied, Blue cuts Nightingale out and drops her with a missile dropkick on the floor!

Tags made, Skye ducks a kick, off the ropes… POUNCE! Nightingale gets her up…

Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale win by pinfall with the Doctor Bomb from Nightingale on Skye Blue.

Christian Cage (c) vs. “Red Death” Daniel Garcia (AEW TNT Championship)

Circling, collar and elbow, Cage shoving him into the ropes and breaking clean. Garcia with a shoulder armbreaker, side headlock, shot off, shoulder block and Christian is on the retreat! He regroups on the floor with the Patriarchy and heads back inside and into another collar and elbow.

Backing Red Death into the corner, he pushes right back across the ring, back into the middle, Cage with a side headlock! Grinding Garcia down, Christian takes a moment to flex, clawing at his face, to the floor, Cage off the top and he wipes Daniel out! Back inside, Garcia turns it around, going to work on the leg, ankle lock applied, Christian gets away and knocks him to the floor!

Back body drop puts Nick Wayne into the timekeeper’s table, referee Aubrey Edwards counting, up to nine when Garcia beats it! Daniel taking rights to give rights, hammering Cage’s head with punches, whip reversed, duck a lariat, big lariat takes Christian out! Pulling the turtleneck up above Christian’s head, mounted punches, but Cage turns things around and regains the advantage.

Diving splash reversed into an ankle lock, Garcia’s still in this fight! Christian distracts Edwards, Killswitch with a chokeslam, off the top again, frog splash… DANIEL GARCIA WILL NOT STAY DOWN! “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard comes down to even the odds and puts Killswitch into the steps!

He blocks a slap from Mother Wayne, Killswitch comes back over to fight him and they brawl to the back! Back inside, Cage’s leg gives out on a spear, Garcia with a piledriver… SO CLOSE! Jackknife pin, it’s a three count but Cage has the ropes! Mother Wayne runs interference, Nick runs in…

Christian Cage wins by pinfall with Killswitch, retaining the AEW TNT Championship.

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Eddie Kingston (c) (AEW/NJPW/ROH Continental Crown)

Feeling out, knucklelock, probing kicks from both men and they break the grip. Going to work with chops, Kingston with a Backdrop Driver and he follows it up with a suicide dive! Back inside, Danielson hammering kicks to the left arm, missile dropkick to the arm! Eddie with an exploder suplex to counter a dive but his arm is screaming agony!

Kingston gets himself together and applies the Stretch Plum in the middle of the ring! Dragon pries his arm off, bending it around, overhead elbows hammring away! Running corner dropkicks, Eddie ducks one, breaks out of the Dragon suplex, back kick, this time Bryan hits the Dragon suplex… NOPE!

Chops in the corner, setting Eddie up top, back down, looking for the LeBell Lock, omoplata applied, wristlock armbar, Kingston struggling, trying to bend his hand down and post up and he succeeds and rolls for the ropes! Kingston back in, enzuigiri, Backfist to the Future, Northern Lights Bomb… NOT ENOUGH! Danielson with the Busaiku Knee, folding press… EDDIE KINGSTON WON’T GO DOWN LIKE THAT!

Triangle choke sank in deep, referee Stephon Smith keeping a close eye on the action, he raises Eddie’s hand and it stays up! Kingston fired up, big suplexes, both men are down and out! Close up, trading palm strikes, Bati-Bati style, both men so spent they practically have to lean on each other! Danielson wavers, Eddie with Kawada Kicks and he wakes up, paintbrushing Kingston with slaps!

Left-hand Tenryu Jab, more strikes, back body drop from Danielson! Charging in, Eddie counters the knee with a lariat! Powerbomb lift…

Eddie Kingston wins by pinfall with a Tenryu Powerbomb, retaining the AEW/NJPW/ROH Continental Crown and earning a handshake from Bryan Danielson.

Post-match, much hay is made of Danielson needing to shake Eddie’s hand, and indeed, he puts his hand out… and pulls it back when Eddie comes over. Kingston goes to leave, Bryan rushes over and pulls him back in the ring, and shakes his hand before raising it, respect finally earned.

Brian Cage vs. Chris Jericho vs. Dante Martin vs. HOOK vs. Lance Archer vs. Magnus vs. Wardlow vs. “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs (All-Star Scramble Match)

Hard to follow early, Cage military presses HOOK clean to the floor and it’s the four big men left in the ring together! Pairing off, soon enough it’s just Archer and Wardlow trading forearms in the middle of the ring as “MEAT!” chants rain down. Lance with a ropewalk moonsault to take Mr. Mayhem out!

Hobbs back in, trying to repeat the feat, but Will pulls him down into a spinebuster! Cage in, Death Valley Driver on Powerhouse! Turning into a fireman’s carry from Wardlow, slip out, off the ropes, tijeras! Jericho in with a Codebreaker… HOOK BREAKS IT UP! Fountain of dives, HOOK stands alone and goes up top… DIVING AXEHANDLE ONTO BRIAN CAGE!

Chaos out of the turnbuckles, Martin with a frog splash… CAGE KICKS OUT! Fast-paced breaking up pins, drop toehold sets Dante in the ropes, Magnus with a Tiger feint kick, set up an Ace Crusher… NOPE! Butterfly backbreaker, charging in, corner lariat, double knees follow!

Up top, Lance cuts him off with a rising knee, pins him… NOT ENOUGH! Setting Magnus up top, slip out of Blackout, Jericho and Magnus work together, double suplex on the Murderhawk Monster, double quebradas… SO CLOSE! Hobbs in, scoop and a running powerslam and Archer rolls out of the ring!

Martin in with his speed, snap scoop powerslam cuts him off, still only two! Brian in, superkick, corner uppercut and lariat, back suplex out of the corner! HOOK in to confront the Machine, duck a lariat, planting him with forearms, duck a lariat, Tazplex blocked, short-arm lariat wipes him out!

Wardlow back in, German suplex, one on Arcer too, one for Magnus, HOOK looking for Redrum, Mr. Mayhem fades and crumbles to the mat! Jericho in with the Walls of Jericho on Wardlow at the same time! Cage knocks Y2J off with a superkick, HOOK German suplexes him and squares up with Chris!

The Ocho landing chops on HOOK, whip across… TAZPLEX! Northern lights suplex into the bridge… SO CLOSE! Powerhouse back in, throwing HOOK to the floor, whip to the corner, Jericho sidesteps! Triangle dropkick sends him flying, World’s Most Dangerous Slam on the floor! Back inside, Cage with a knee and an F-5 on HOOK but Wardlow cuts him off before he can capitalize!

Trading lariats, powerbomb, Martin slides in to try and steal it! Big slam on Magnus, Archer takes him out, slip to the apron, enzuigiri, double jump moonsault… ARCHER WON’T STAY DOWN! Redrum attempt, Wardlow slings him off, big headbutt and then a lariat, elevate him;..

Wardlow wins by pinfall with a Last Ride on Dante Martin.

Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Roderick Strong (AEW International Championship)

Sick Kick out the gates, Orange sidesteps, looking for pins to end it! Big chop, duck it, Rock Bottom backbreaker connects and Strong follows it with another chop! Cassidy out to the floor, Roderick follows with a back suplex into the barricade! Back inside, backbreakers on backbreakers, fighting over the turnbuckles, Orange getting the better of him in the process!

Up top… RODERICK STRONG WITH A DOCTOR BOMB BACKBREAKER INTO THE TOP TURNBUCKLE DANGERRRRRROUS! Strong follows it up with a bow-and-arrow over the post, back inside, Cassidy with a second wind, looking for a satellite DDT but Roddy reverses into a gutbuster! Stundog Millionaire counters, another Rock Bottom backbreaker and both men are down! Boston Crab applied, Cassidy crawling and he gets the ropes!

Full-on Strong Hold applied now, Orange in pain but he’s not giving! Shaking his hand, fighting his way back in, upkicking his way out of it, off the ropes, satellite DDT connects! Cassidy rolls to the apron, Into the corner, Panama Sunrise… STRONG KICKS OUT!

Orange wants Beach Break but his back gives out, he uses the ropes for leverage, Beach Break… BUT RODDY GETS THE ROPES! A quick flurry sets it up…

Roderick Strong wins by pinfall with End of Heartache, becoming your new AEW International Champion.

KYLE O’REILLY IS BACK AND HE IS IN THE RING WITH RODDY, BENNETT, AND TAVEN! He prowls but ultimately shakes Roddy’s hand! Mike Bennett takes the literal shirt off his back to give to KOR, who takes it excitedly before putting it on Roddy’s shoulder and whispering in his ear and leaving with tears in his eyes.

Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley) vs. FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood)

Baldies starting, Castagnoli with an inside cradle, only two. Claudio hammering him with open-palm strikes, big uppercut sends him spiraling into the corner and tagging Moxley in! Jon on the wrong side of town, quick tags from FTR, he gets the better of Dax and pulls him into the corner for a tag to Castagnoli.

Uppercuts and headbutts in the corner, whip across, side Russian legsweep and FTR take control again. Working Claudio in the corner, big chop, Castagnoli comes back with a Karelin lift for two. Tag to Moxley, front chancery grinding Cash down, deathlock, bridge up and into a headscissors!

Dax runs in to break it up, Cash with a big chop and Moxley thumbs him in the eye and tags Claudio in! Blackpool staying in charge, tags, Wheeler explodes out of the corner, tag to Harwood! Dax running hot on Claudio, chops in the corner, short-arm lariat on Moxley! Off the ropes, block Swiss Death, small package, only two!

Float over a suplex, Neutralizer denied, looking for a piledriver, Claudio posts Dax and gets a nearfall on Cash! Harwood busted open and bleeding rom the forehead, Castagnoli with a fireman’s carry and a tag, assisted Air Raid Crash… STILL NO! Dax looking for pinning predicaments, assisted piledriver… MOXLEY KICKS OUT!

Blackpool with a Doomsday Device… WHEELER BREAKS IT UP! Block a finish, Ace Crusher from Moxley, Giant Swing from Claudio, blood dripping from Harwood’s head in a great spiral, dropkick… DAX WON’T STAY DOWN! Moxley with overhead elbows to the forehead wound, biting at it, Harwood spits in his face!

Claudio blasts him wtih a big boot, gets knocked to floor, Doomsday Device… JON MOXLEY KICKS OUT! Shatter Machine connects… CLAUDIO PULLS DAX OFF OF THE PIN! Cash dives into Swiss Death and a Neutralizer on the floor! Harwood piledrives Castagnoli on the floor!

Back inside, underhooks, blocked, block the piledriver, back body drop, roll through, underhooks.. WE RIDE WITH DEATH TONIGHT! DAX KICKS OUT! PIN OF HIS OWN, ONLY TWO! Bulldog choke loked in, Claudio fighting with Wheeler on the apron, back inside, pulling him away with a sleeper hold!

Mox sinks back, the hooks are in…

Blackpool Combat Club win by referee stoppage with a bodyscissors sleeper from Jon Moxley on Dax Harwood.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Toni Storm (c) (AEW Women’s World Championship)

Test of strength, arm drag from Purrazzo, roll into a Fujiwara armbar but Storm gets a foot on the ropes! Carrying on the mat grappling, mounted punches from Toni, seated rear chinlock, seated senton and a stomp! Trading rights, elbows in the middle of the ring, whip reversed, duck a lariat, and Deonna bowls her over a few times before hitting a Knee Trembler into a side Russian legsweep and then a bridging Fujiwara armbar!

Kicks on the apron, Luther catches Toni but Deonna dives on both of them! Back inside, Purrazzo has her beat and tapping but Luther distracts the referee and Mariah May makes the save…

Toni Storm wins by pinfall with Storm Zero, retaining the AEW Women’s World Championship.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Will Ospreay

Don Callis is on commentary for this one.

Hard-hitting out the gates, Takeshita gets a superplex and follows it with a rear chinlock, grinding Ospreay down. Will with a Cobra Twist, Konosuke fights out, boot up in the corner, springboard elbow and Takeshita is down! Back on his feet, knocking Ospreay to the floor and following it with a tope con giro!

Back inside, Will up top, Spiral Tap, nobody home and Takeshita spikes him with a high-angle German suplex, bridge… NOPE! Slugging it out, forearms in the ring, big rolling elbow from the Aerial Assassin and referee Bryce Remsburg has to stop and check on Konosuke because he’s having some kind of neurological reaction in his hands!

Ospreay with Kawada kicks, Takeshita winds up a huge bolo punch and lays him out! Fast-paced exchange ends in a crescent kick, Konosuke slips out of Storm Breaker, trading kicks, Tiger Driver… TAKESHITA KICKS OUT! Springboard caught, Blue Thunder Driver… OSPREAY KICKS OUT!

Rolling German denied, kicks from Will, double jump, OsCutter blocked, off the ropes, duck a lariat, springboard… OSCUTTER BUT KONOSUKE KICKS OUT! Ospreay calling for the Hidden Blade, Takeshita pops up and drops him with a lariat… SO VERY CLOSE! Trapping him in the corner, Cheeky Nando’s connects, up top… TAKESHITA HITS THE AVALANCHE BRAINBUSTER!

Another nearfall, running knee, Ospreay with Stundog Millionaire! Poison Frankensteiner follows it up, underhooks, quick reversals, wheelbarrow Tombstone Piledriver into a wheelbarrow suplex, Will pops up, lariat… KONOSUKE TAKESHITA KICKS OUT AT ONE!

Ospreay with a Styles Clash… STILL NOT ENOUGH FOR THE WIN! Underhooks… TIGER DRIVER ‘91! HIDDEN BLADE! IT’S OVER!

Will Ospreay wins by pinfall with Hidden Blade.

Post-match, Kyle Fletcher and Don Callis come to the ring to celebrate as Ospreay gives Takeshita some headpats for a job well done. Kyle and Will embrace in the ring as we’re informed they’ll be having a wrestle on Dynamite.

My sweet and lovely wife blesses you with her commentary on entrances while I’m downstairs fetching a drink—

Swerve comes in with a big fuzzy hood. Ooh, he’s got gold sleeves. Maybe they should call him Goldsleeve Jim. He tells the crowd in no uncertain terms that he’s going home with that belt tonight.

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. Samoa Joe (c) vs. Shane “Swerve” Strickland (AEW World Championship)

Joe a whirlwind of chops, corner enzuigiri on Page, he sidesteps a dive from Strickland! Big dive on Swerve, another kick cuts Hangman’s dive off, back inside, Samoa left on the floor and Shane holds court and keeps them both off-balance! Whip across, Hangman with a belly-to-belly suplex but Joe breaks the pin up!

Facewashes on Adam, Tenryu Powerbomb, into an STF on the kickout! Swerve back inside, trading forearms with Samoa, getting taken to the floor! Taking turns trying to get under Joe for a powerbomb, they decide to work together… DOUBLE POWERBOMB! Challengers at each other with elbows, back and forth, Joe breaks it up!

Samoa passed to the floor, Strickland blasts him with a kick! Back inside, Page scoops him up, reversed, reversed, Hangman slips out, back elbow out of the corner! Up top, moonsault rolled right into a Tombstone Piledriver… SAMOA JOE BREAKS IT UP! Looking for Deadeye, no deal, powerbomb, float over, vertical suplex… AGAIN JOE BREAKS IT UP!

Samoa gets Page up for the Muscle Buster… AND HE GETS IT! SWERVE STOMP IN QUICK SUCCESSION! HOUSE CALL! Shane waiting for Hangman, another House Call… NO DEAL! Shadows Over Hell 450 splash on Joe! Strickland dragging himself up the ropes, Swerve Stomp… HANGMAN PAGE PULLS REFEREE PAUL TURNER OUT OF THE RING!

Adam blasts Swerve with the title belt! He yells that Swerve will never hold his title and hits a Buckshot on Joe! A second Buckshot… BUT THERE’S NO REFEREE AND IT’S ALL HIS FAULT! Referee Bryce Remsburg slides in with the count but it’s too late! Page celebrates like he won before realizing what went wrong! Joe with the Coquina Clutch… SWERVE BREAKS IT UP WITH A TORNILLO!

Prince Nana throws Swerve the crown but he doesn’t want it! Coquina Clutch, Strickland slips out, victory roll… HANGMAN SHOVES BRYCE INTO THE PIN TO BREAK IT UP! Mounted punches on Swerve, throwing Remsburg out of the ring, Strickland windmills punches at him and goes back to Joe!

Enzuigiri, throwing Page out of the ring but he skins the cat and lays Shane out with Buckshot! Joe with a lariat of his own, setting up a Muscle Buster in the corner but Swerve fights out! Another Buckshot on Samoa! SHANE STRICKLAND HITS BUCKSHOT ON HANGMAN! JML DRIVER CONNECTS BUT JOE HITS A HALF NELSON SUPLEX AND GRABS PAGE WITH THE COQUINA CLUTCH!

Referee Paul Turner is awake… AND IT’S OVER!

Samoa Joe wins by submission with the Coquina Clutch on “Hangman” Adam Page, retaining the AEW World Championship.

We get a video package for AEW Dynasty on April 21.

“Nature Boy” Ric Flair makes his entrance to be at ringside for Sting’s retirement.

Ricky “the Dragon” Steamboat makes his entrance to be special guest timekeeper.

Darby Allin & Sting (c) vs. Young Bucks (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) (AEW World Tag Team Championship Tornado Match)

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