Why This Week’s New Moon Energy Is Extra Special, Per The Tarot

Your tarot card reading for the week of January 8 – 14, 2024 is here for each zodiac sign in astrology. Ruby Miranda will do a 3-tarot card display for each zodiac sign, and we will cover the week of the first New Moon in Capricorn.

The first tarot card will recognize the recent past, the second card will show us where we stand right now in the present, and the third card suggests where we might be heading in the near future.

Each card has been selected and it seems that this week during the New Moon in Capricorn, we will be concentrating more on business and life changes than we will be spending time on love or romance.

This makes sense as Capricorn rules work and career, social status and public image. So, we see many cards here that stem from the suit of Pentacles, which involves money, as well as Wands, which denotes fresh starts.

The tarot reveals how tough career decisions will be made this week, and it seems as though some of us will be learning some hefty life lessons as well.

The New Moon will perfect on January 11, and it shows us, once again, that life goes on and that no matter what our situation is. We are always able to rise, take control, and become the people we know we are meant to be.

Let’s now take a look at how these tarot cards play out for each zodiac sign to see why this week is extra special, thanks to the first New Moon of the year.

Here’s why this week’s New Moon is extra special for each zodiac sign, according to the tarot:


(March 21 – April 19)

Past: Queen of Pentacles, reversed

While you know what you’re made of, you are still unsure of one thing: whether or not others realize your worth. You feel as though you have a lot of give, and you’ve most definitely shown those in power what you are worth. You dwell on this idea, trying to figure out a plan of action so that you can perhaps elevate your status in the workplace.

Present: Nine of Pentacles

Good luck comes to you during this week, as you are granted what you want and need simply because you have gained the confidence to stand tall in your ability. You are not only able to produce, but you are also able to receive the kudos and praise that you believe you are worthy of. This week has you feeling very validated and at peace with your work and your environment.

Future: Four of Wands, reversed.

While your home life is not yet settled, you’ll find that for the first time in what feels like forever, you are able to envision at least the stability that you dream of. The future doesn’t seem as unsure as it once did, and this lifts your spirits. You feel as though you are one with the cosmic forces of good and that it’s easy for you to believe in yourself once again.

Keywords: joy, vision, faith

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(April 20 – May 20)

Past: Five of Pentacles, reversed

Lessons learned in the past become wisdom gained and you plan on taking all you’ve learned in terms of money and finance and applying it to today’s world. You know that you’ve been lazy in the past, and you see that some of it couldn’t be helped. You feel as though you can only go at your own pace but that your pace will definitely lead you somewhere lucrative.

Present: Queen of Wands, reversed

Right now, it’s all about work and bringing home the bacon. You will do your best to maintain what is good at your job with the idea that, at some point, you’ll take it to the next step. What you do know is that you have a goal, a destination. Everything you do now has a purpose and so much of it is about making money.

Future: Ten of Pentacles, reversed

The future is an idea that you add to every single day, and each day, you can see what you want with stellar clarity. You know where all of this work is going and you are only too happy to be a part of the momentum that takes you to the place where you can call yourself ‘rich,’ secure and able to feel comfortable with your position in life.

Keywords: prosperity, wisdom, determination

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(May 21 – June 20)

Past: The Sun, reversed

You’ve had some good times in the past and while you recognize that all good things have to end, you might spend a good portion of this week, January 8 – 14, 2024, going over what exactly happened and what there is to let go of finally. You realize that you can’t live in the past, no matter how awesome it might have been and that it’s time to implement some of those changes you knew you were coming.

Present: Death

Here we are, January 8 – 14, 2024, and the big change comes quicker than you guessed it would … and it’s a good thing, too, Gemini. You’re not a person who wishes to procrastinate; you have a vision of success and your attitude this week is, ‘Why wait?’ You want to get rid of the old and introduce the new as soon as possible. This is what’s going to bring about the change: movement, not stagnation.

Future: King of Wands

so you are able to create the newness you had in mind. Speed and agility are what get you where you need to be, and you’ll see that you are in the right place at the right time to make all the right moves in your career and your personal life. Embracing change was the best move you could have made, so pat yourself on the back for being courageous enough to accept what was needed to do.

Keywords: happiness, rebirth, position

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(June 21 – July 22)

Past: Nine of Cups

You’ve gotten used to a certain kind of lifestyle where you can afford what you want while feeling safe that it’s also not going to go away any time too soon. You feel content in love and that has taken so much of the pressure off of you, and you feel grateful for the people and relationships that are still present in your life.

Present: Two of Wands

It’s time to make a decision, and during the week of January 8 – 14, 2024, you will take a little too much time to do so, which could potentially throw you into a state of confusion … or delusion. You might choose the wrong way to go and end up making a big deal about it. What’s good to know is that you’ve learned from past experiences, so even if you do make a mistake, you’ll right the wrong in no time.

Future: Knight of Wands, reversed

What you’re really looking at here is the idea that it’s time to get back into your work and that your work life is, in your case, just as important as your personal and romantic life. You are a creative person who has found an opportunity to do what you love for a full-time job, and you’ll continue on this way for a while but with even more fervor.

Keywords: indulgence, balance, work ethic

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(July 23 – August 22)

Past: The Hermit

You know that you took a little too much time to yourself in the past few weeks and that it might be time to come out of your hiding place to join the rest of the world, meaning … your family and friends. What you did alone was necessary, as you are a deep thinker who requires solitude for the sake of retreat. Downtime gives you strength so that you can handle the present and the future.

Present: Queen of Wands

Instead of shirking your responsibilities, which are many, you will rise to the challenge and attempt to do all the things that you’ve put off for way too long. It may be hard to get back into the swing of things during the week of January 8 – 14, 2024, but once you start, you’ll find that you really do love being active and social. The only problem is that you may take it too far and get carried away with yourself.

Future: The Devil

That’s where this card comes in because you will go overboard with work, play and whatever else you decide to go ‘whole hog’ on. Balance has never been your forte, and your tendency to tip the scales sometimes has you paying for it in ways you really aren’t into. But this is so much a part of your personality, Leo, so in a way, you might already be prepared for it.

Keywords: privacy, self-love, temptation

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(August 23 – September 22)

Past: Justice, reversed

Rather than dwell in the past and continuously go over the injustice you feel was your burden to bear last year, you may spend a great portion of the week wondering how you’re going to get yourself back on track. You’ve come to see that the people you were relying upon are definitely not coming through for you, so now you get that you have to do this on your own.

Present: The Emperor, reversed

Being that you’ve seriously learned your lesson and that so much of that lesson has to do with trusting people who can’t be trusted, you’ll spend time this week working out a realistic plan so that you can reclaim your former glory without having to depend on someone else to get you there. You will spend a lot of time talking yourself into having confidence.

Future: King of Pentacles, reversed

Because your previous plans were built on anger rather than common sense, you may see that what you do leads you to an uncontrollable situation. This shows you that, while you are hopeful and filled with rage, you cannot just jump into something without thoroughly thinking it through first.

Keywords: inequality, authority, ownership

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(September 23 – October 22)

Past: Seven of Pentacles

It looks like you definitely put in the work that would build the success you’re about to walk into, but not only that. You had the patience to sit back and quietly wait it all out, meaning that nothing was hurried for you. You were able to show yourself that patience is not only a virtue but also a financially smart trait to have.

Present: The Star

Bang! Right at the top of this year, you will see success like you’ve never seen before, and the attention that you’ll receive during it all will be daunting. It will also be something that you feel ready for. It’s not as if you didn’t plan this and if you come off shining like a star, well, then give yourself a round of applause for creating it in such a way.

Future: Eight of Cups, reversed

You may find that at this point in your life, or at least that money is more important than love. That’s not to say that love doesn’t play a gigantic role in your life, but the future depends on how you remain focused on career-related things rather than romance. If you can lock in your romance now, you can trust that it will be there for you in the future.

Keywords: planning, celebrity, investment

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(October 23 – November 21)

Past: Seven of Wands

What was started last year continues this year, and you’ll find that same ‘ol, same ‘ol, may just be a part of your fate … and it’s OK. It’s OK because it means you are employed and that money is coming in. It’s OK because unless you change it up, it’s going to stay this way … which could be the impetus for transformation. That one is up to you, Scorpio..

Present: Three of Pentacles, reversed

Right now, it’s all about keeping up the status quo. Nothing changes. Nothing is introduced to stimulate change or progress. This could be good if you are content with what is right now, but there’s a suggestion here that you are not content and that you need more than praise. You may find that during the New Moon, you get out of your comfort zone and start the work of major transformation.

Future: Ten of Cups, reversed

Well, something went right, didn’t it, Scorpio? Whatever you had in mind, didn’t just stay in your head. You took it out of your skull and brought it forth as constructive words, and where this leads us to a world of pure success. What happens this week leads to romantic rewards as well, as there’s someone in your life who was just waiting for your success to kick in.

Keywords: work, praise, reward

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(November 22 – December 21)

Past: Two of Cups

In your world, friendship takes the highest position in the world of relationships, and you have discovered that not only do you have lifelong friends who would come to your rescue at any time, but you have strong connections with these people. They have become so much of what literally defines you. You are the sum of your experiences and your experiences include friendships.

Present: The High Priestess, reversed

Your views will change once again. What was once dogma to you is now something you’ve come to discard as knowledge that doesn’t apply to you. You pride yourself in this kind of fluidity and while others may see you as faithless or even flippant, you know very well who you are and what your strengths are. You choose your friends wisely and you grow with them intellectually, no matter what their opinions are.

Future: Ace of Wands

Nothing is stopping you now, Sagittarius. You are a person of your word and you promised yourself hard work and ultimate payoff. You’ve learned the hard way that the only way to save yourself in this life is to come through with your horse and be your knight in shining armor. You are the warrior who takes you to success, and that is what the future holds for you.

Keywords: friendship, reinvention, goals

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(December 22 – January 19)

Past: The Tower

Well, whatever you’re just stepping out of certainly wasn’t much fun. You’ve just left a particularly harsh situation. While you know it’s going to be a while before you’re able to restore yourself to working order fully, you will have to deal with the destruction of a truly awful situation. At least it’s over with, Capricorn. The worst of it is in the past, and for that, you are grateful.

Present: Five of Cups, reversed

Now, it’s time to pick up the pieces, which is doable. As long as you know where everything goes, you will do just fine. You have hope and you feel encouraged, even if you seem to be weary and dragged down by burdensome tasks. It’s still OK; messes need to be cleaned up, and once they are, then the order can return. You work diligently to restore order in your life this week.

Future: Ten of Swords, reversed

What you may see is that while you are one to rise to the top, you still have the burden of others upon you, and while this doesn’t exactly make life easy for you, you are somehow going to make it work for you. There are no lemons that you cannot make into lemonade, Capricorn, as this is part of that amazing gift of yours. The future may be hard and at times tiring but you’ll overcome all of it and shine once again. Fear not.

Keywords: life lessons, memory, vigilance

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(January 20 – February 18)

Past: The Magician

It was nice to be able to be so frivolous that you could spend so much time in the past daydreaming and creating fantastical worlds inside your mind … just to spend the time. You’ve led a blessed life in so much as you could toss yourself into fantasyland without any interruption. You have always known how to live your own unique life, and so much of the past is about giving yourself over to dreams.

Present: Knight of Swords, reversed

You will receive a very rude awakening, which will jolt you out of your fantasy state and into a reality that is both annoying and unavoidable. There is no escaping this one, Aquarius, as the responsibility for whatever is going on falls on you. While you resent being the person who has to take care of everything, you’ll come to know that this job is yours and yours alone.

Future: Three of Swords

Unfortunately, the dreaded job you’ll be undertaking is going to end up tragically, and it will be something you’ll have to come to terms with. All the annoyance and dread will dissolve into a higher emotion, and that will be the one of sadness and perhaps loss. You will feel as though the storm clouds have landed on your head and that the rain may never stop. It will stop, Aquarius. You just have to go through this one major storm.

Keywords: mystery, dread, messenger

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(February 19 – March 20)

Past:  Six of Swords, reversed

The past feels sad to you, but not the kind of sorrow that makes you cry; the kind of tears that grip you and fills you with memory of a time gone by. You spend a lot of time with this one person, and you do all you can for them. It will be that you may come to terms with the idea of letting them go once and for all.

Present: Four of Cups, reversed

What is nice is that you are surrounded by kind people who are thinking about you and wishing you well. You’ll be invited to spend time with one or two of these sweet people, and even though the offer will be tempting, you may not be ready for social meetups just yet. It’s nice to think that when you are inevitably ready, however, they will be there for you. You do have something to look forward to.

Future: Three of Wands

The future is all about standing tall, gathering up all the knowledge you’ve acquired in the past, meditating on it, and then … proceeding. You are not stuck, you are merely taking your time and the future shows that your best decisions will come as a result of all the intense and arduous thinking that you’ve done. It’s time to lay aside the past and put it to bed once and for all. The future awaits and you are strong enough to handle it.

Keywords: duty, forgetfulness, waiting

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 

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