​​5 Homemade drinks to instantly reduce bloating​

The feeling of discomfort and flatulence after heavy meals is common and most people pop up pills to fix this sudden uncomfortable feeling. However, over a period of time sticking to these high dose antacids can adversely affect digestive health. Well, we have curated some simple homemade drinks, which can easily reduce bloating and improve metabolism and overall digestive health.

​​Fennel Seed Tea​

Brew a simple tea with fennel seeds and green tea, sip on this drink after meals to reduce bloating.This is due to the carminative properties of fennel and anti-inflammatory properties of fennel seeds and green that can naturally fix flatulence. To make this drink boil water and fennel seeds, then steep some green tea, strain the drink and enjoy.


​​Peppermint Tea​

Drinking a simple peppermint and honey tea can effectively help relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, which can help relieve bloating and gas. Make a cup of peppermint tea by steeping fresh or dried peppermint leaves in hot water. Adding honey to this tea can boost the efficacy of this tea and provide healing and laxative properties.

​​Lemon and ginger detox drink​

To prepare this drink, mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with grated ginger in a glass of warm water. Lemon helps stimulate digestion, and ginger provides anti-inflammatory benefits. This drink may help reduce bloating and promote overall digestive health.

​​Cucumber and mint water​

To make this drink, infused sliced cucumbers and lightly crushed mint leaves in lukewarm water and add a pinch of cinnamon, drinking this water can help in reducing bloating. This is because cucumbers have natural diuretic properties that can help reduce water retention and bloating.

​​Ginger tea​

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help relax the digestive tract. To make a simple ginger tea, grate and steeping fresh ginger slices in hot water. You can add a squeeze of lemon and a teaspoon of honey to help reduce bloating and improve metabolism.