Live UFC 297 results, streaming ‘Prelims’ updates | Strickland vs. Du Plessis

Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) kicks off its 2024 pay-per-view (PPV) event season TONIGHT (Sat., Jan. 20) with a top-heavy card from inside Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. UFC 297’s main event will feature the bad blood battle between Middleweight roost-ruler, Sean Strickland, putting his belt on the line for the first time ever against surging 185-pound South African contender, Dricus Du Plessis. In UFC 297’s co-main event, No. 2-seeded contender, Raquel Pennington, will lock horns with trash-talking Brazilian finisher, Mayra Bueno Silva, for Amanda Nunes’ vacated women’s Bantamweight belt. We’ve got Neil Magny, Chris Curtis, Arnold Allen and so much more!


Before that action begins at 10 p.m. ET later this evening, though, will deliver LIVE round-by-round, blow-by-blow coverage of the entire UFC 297 “Prelims” undercard below, beginning with the first fight at 6:30 p.m. ET on ESPN+ (ESPN will simulcast the undercard action at 8 p.m. ET). We will then cover UFC 297’s PPV main card in a separate thread right here, beginning at 10 p.m. ET. Bet on UFC 297 at DraftKings Sportsbook.

Keep in mind that we will also be the spot for the latest news, recaps, and post-fight analysis following “Strickland vs. Du Plessis.” Without further delay, see below for the latest UFC 297 “Prelims” undercard results. (Note: This will go from the bottom up; therefore, scroll toward the bottom for the latest detailed round-by-round action.)


185 lbs.: UFC Middleweight champion Sean Strickland vs. Dricus Du Plessis
135 lbs.: Raquel Pennington vs. Mayra Bueno Silva for vacant Bantamweight belt
170 lbs.: Neil Magny vs. Mike Malott
185 lbs.: Chris Curtis vs. Marc-Andre Barriault
145 lbs.: Arnold Allen vs. Movsar Evloev


135 lbs.: Brad Katona vs. Garrett Armfield — Armfield def. Katona by unanimous decision (29-28 x3)
145 lbs.: Charles Jourdain vs. Sean Woodson — Woodson def. Jourdain by split decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28
135 lbs.: Serhiy Sidey vs. Ramon Taveras — Taveras def. Sidey by split decision (28-29, 29-28 x2)
115 lbs.: Gillian Robertson vs. Polyana Viana — Robertson def. Viana by TKO (punches) at 3:12 of Round Two — HIGHLIGHTS!
170 lbs.: Yohan Lainesse vs. Sam Patterson — Patterson def. Lainesse by submission (rear naked choke) at 2:03 of Round One — HIGHLIGHTS!
135 lbs.: Jasmine Jasudavicius vs. Priscila Cachoeira — Jasudavicius def. Cachoeira by submission (d’arce choke) at 4:21 of Round Three
125 lbs.: Malcolm Gordon vs. Jimmy Flick — Flick def. Gordon by submission (arm triangle choke) at 1:17 of Round Two — HIGHLIGHTS!


135 lbs.: Brad Katona vs. Garrett Armfield

Round one: Armfield on the front foot, looking for jabs. Armfield shrugs off an eye poke, then digs a left hook to the body. One minute in. Neither man has really settled into the striking yet. Body shots by Armfield. Low kick from Katona lands straight to the cup with a hollow thud and Armfield’s feeling it, but he takes less than a minute to recover. They get right to trading as soon as they resume. Two minutes in. Low-high 3-2 by Armfield. Armfield looking like the better boxer so far as Katona struggles to get a rhythm going. 1-2 from Armfield, avoids the return fire. Lead right and 1-2. Counter right just misses with two minutes to go.

1-2 from Katona. Well-timed reactive shot, Armfield defends and separates. Katona feints a level change and lands a left hook. He ties up after avoiding a jab and looks for the back. One minute to go. Armfield turns to face him, eats a k nee upstairs. Another. 10-9 Armfield.

Round two: 1-2 from Armfield to start. Counter hook. His head movement and combinations are on point. Good exchange in the center, body shot soon after. One minute in. Katona changes levels, denied. Low kick by Armfield, who denies another level change. Looping hook by Katona two minutes in, walks into a stiff jab. Armfield just seems a bit sharper offensively and defensively as he outboxes Katona. Two minutes to go.

Katona lands to the body, eats a jab. Hard counter right from Armfield, both land solid lefts. Glancing head kick and 1-2 by Armfield. One minute to go. Katona changes levels, lands an uppercut on the exit. Nice left hook after eating a 1-2. He changes levels and hits a takedown, then stays attached when Armfield stands. Sneaky knees. 10-9 Armfield.

Round three: Jab from Armfield, who avoids a back take as they exchange. Combination lands for him, exchange in center cage. Armfield gets double underhooks and they fight for grips, culminating in Katona hitting an inside trip into guard. Armfield gets space and hits a granby roll to stand a minute in. Knees from Katona against the fence. Armfield trying to turn into him. Katona looking to chain his takedowns as he eats elbows two minutes in. He locks his hands, good hips from Armfield to escape. Back to trading punches. Nice right hands from Armfield. Heavy lead right by Katona. Body shots with two minutes to go, then a big right cross.

Armfield looks like he’s feeling the pace and Katona takes advantage with a double-leg into guard. Armfield turns to his knees and gets to his feet. He initially separates, but Katona shoots back in. One minute to go. Armfield trying to land elbows as he defends. Punches on the break. Solid shots upstairs and he shoots, but Katona is ready for it and defends. 10-9 Katona.

Final result: Armfield def. Katona by unanimous decision

145 lbs.: Charles Jourdain vs. Sean Woodson

Round one: Jourdain tries a head kick, just blocked. Low kick lands for him. Simultaneous kicks a minute in. Jab exchange. Neither man has found his distance yet. Jab and low kick from Woodson, who avoids a blitz. Woodson blocks another head kick, taunts a bit, then throws a two-piece. They trade in the center two minutes in. Low kicks from both. Another good exchange in the center. Lead right by Woodson, then a solid right hook to answer a leg kick. Two minutes to go.

Overhand left from Jourdain, who eats a pair of jabs in return. Jab exchange, combo from Woodson, who eats an overhand left and comes back with a leg kick. Jourdain just misses with a wheel kick and overhand right with a minute to go. No-look 2-1 by Woodson, then a pair of body shots and a low kick. Big counter knee and left hook by Woodson as Jourdain looks for a single-leg. Jourdain takes him to the fence, eats shots on the break, and falls short with a wheel kick. 10-9 Woodson.

Round two: Jourdain tries to open aggressively. Flurry from Jourdain, nothing clean. Body kick from Woodson in return. Low kicks a minute in, then a counter left that buzzes Jourdain. Woodson stalking and potshotting. Hard counter left. Low kick from Jourdain, who eats a counter left and 1-2. Jourdain just having tons of trouble with Woodson’s length. Two minutes in. Jourdain catches a knee and looks for a single-leg. Woodson landing shots as he defends. Jourdain puts him on the fence and tries to swat at his thigh. Woodson considers a ninja choke, Jourdain tries a spinning back fist, and they separate with two minutes to go.

Body shot from Jourdain. Woodson circling and firing straight punches. He shoots, denied. Jourdain wings a couple haymakers and changes levels with a minute to go. Wheel kick attempt on the break, then a good leg kick. Jourdain falls short with a flying kick. Head kick glances off. 10-9 Woodson.

Round three: Jourdain swinging big to start, Woodson steering clear of the worst and firing back. Woodson tries a knee, Jourdain tries a head kick. Sharp cross by Woodson, who slips a blitz. One minute in. Jourdain tries a combo and Woodson ties up, looking to take the back. Jourdain wriggles free and lands a hard overhand right on the break. Left hand into the clinch, then another level change. Woodson defends, then separates two minutes in. Counter left by Woodson, flicking out straight punches. Jourdain tries a blitz, can’t land clean. Body shot from Woodson, who avoids a flying knee. Low kick by Jourdain, wheel kick misses with two minutes to go.

Another spinning kick falls short. Nice counter uppercut by Woodson as Jourdain ties up. Jourdain looks for a single-leg, no dice. He ties up again with a minute to go. They separate soon after. Woodson stalking, lands a body shot. He changes levels and avoids a guillotine to drop punches at the bell. 10-9 Woodson.

Final result: Woodson def. Jourdain by split decision

135 lbs.: Serhiy Sidey vs. Ramon Taveras

Round one: Early counter left from Taveras. Sidey steadily advancing. He changes levels and puts Taveras against the fence. They separate a minute in. Body kick from Sidey, low kick behind it. Nice low kick by Taveras, who eats a shovel hook and straight right. Sidey continuing to advance, pops him with a straight right and avoids a head kick. Two minutes in. Sidey tries a head kick, lands a jab, eats a heavy body shot. Gnarly counter body shot by Taveras after avoiding a blitz. Hard Sidey low kick, jab behind it. Exchanging with two minutes to go.

Sidey continuing to look for head kicks, lands a body kick. Counter body shot by Taveras. Low kick exchange, Taveras counter left. Huge counter left by Taveras, then another good left. ESPN+ crashes and we pick back up with 46 seconds to go. 1-1-2 from Taveras as he continues to circle Sidey. Both try head kicks, then Taveras rocks him hard with a two-piece before the bell. 10-9 Taveras.

Round two: Sidey absorbs a combination and shoots. No dice. Right cross from Sidey, who continues to march forward. He shoots again, denied again. Hard counter left by Taveras, who gets rocked by a right cross. Sidey pushing forward, just misses with a spearing elbow. One minute in. Looking for head kicks, flying knee goes wide. Low kick from Sidey, who misses with another flying knee. Huge 1-2 from Taveras and down goes Sidey. Sidey immediately tries to shoot, then scrambles back to his feet. Another good sprawl. Sidey pops up and lands a right hand two minutes in. Sidey storming after him as Taveras dodges most of what’s coming his way. Sidey is an absolute bloody mess but he’s still coming. Anotehr straight left by Taveras with two minutes to go.

Sidey doing everything he can to unload on Taveras against the fence. Taveras avoiding most of it, barely blocks a head kick. Knee to the body from Sidey. Taveras 1-2 falls short. One minute to go. Sidey jacks his jaw with a pair of shovel hooks. Hard straight rights. Body kick, knee, elbows, uppercuts in the clinch. One more elbow and jab before the bell. 10-9 Sidey.

Round three: Heavy 1-2 from Taveras, then a 3-2 soon after. Body kick to jab by Sidey. Check hook just misses a minute in. Hard right cross to body kick. 1-2. Taveras knocks him back with a straight left and eats a body kick for his trouble. Body kick to 3-2 by Taveras. Low kick by Sidey. Taveras straight left two minutes in. Hard two-piece by Sidey and it’s back to attacking against the fence. Knee, elbow, right cross. Head kick attempt. They pause to give Sidey his mouthpiece back. Two minutes to go.

Quick counters by Taveras. Sidey body kick, combination whiffs. Hard body kick. Low kick, then a clean flying knee that Taveras shrugs off. One minute to go. Trading jabs near the fence. Sidey body kick and counter elbow. Taveras fires some heavy artillery in the last 10 seconds, then eats a body kick at the bell. 10-9 Sidey.

Final result: Taveras def. Sidey by split decision

115 lbs.: Gillian Robertson vs. Polyana Viana

Round one: Both whiff with their first punches. Viana firing counters, lands a body kick. Robertson changes levels and spins her down into half guard via single-leg. One minute in. Robertson looking to isolate Viana’s left arm and set up a kimura. Straight armbar now, loses it two minutes in. Looking to pass, unable so far. Robetson pops her with a pair of elbows and uses the distraction to move to mount, then the back with two minutes to go.

Robertson quickly cinches up the arm triangle and this looks deep. Impressive defense from Viana to survive and Robertson goes back to chasing back mount. One hook in. Back to mount with a minute to go, and when Viana tries to sweep, Robertson wraps up an armbar. Viana stacks, then slams her way out. Robertson quickly scrambles to her feet. 10-9 Robetson.

Round two: Low kick from Robertson. Viana launching punching flurries. She stiff-arms Robertson away to deny the first level change. Solid left hand from Robertson, who runs the pipe for another single-leg takedown a minute in. On top in half guard. She quickly moves to the back, landing punches. Another arm triangle, no dice, elbows instead before retaking the back and flattening Viana out. Robertson piling up right hands two minutes in. Looking for the RNC, then back to elbows. Two minutes to go.

Viana covering up and Robertson just ramps up the right hands to force the stoppage.

Final result: Robertson def. Viana by TKO (punches) — WATCH HIGHLIGHTS!

170 lbs.: Yohan Lainesse vs. Sam Patterson

Round one: Patterson keeping his distance and trying to jab. Lainesse falls short with a right hand. One minute in. Solid counters from Patterson, who eats a solid right cross. Lainesse tries to capitalize and takes him to the fence, only for Patterson to grab a front headlock and snap him down to his knees. Looking for the back, one hook in. Patterson hunting the RNC and quickly sneaks his forearm under Lainesse’s chin to force a frantic tap.

Final result: Patterson def. Lainesse by submission (rear-naked choke) — WATCH HIGHLIGHTS!

135 lbs.: Jasmine Jasudavicius vs. Priscila Cachoeira

Round one: Cachoeira throwing heat right off the bat, clubbing Jasudavicius with a left hand. Jasudavicius changes levels, absorbing a knee but bullying Cachoeira to the mat. Cachoeira looks for a leg as Jasudavicius tries to secure a better position, ultimately settling for half guard. One minute in. Now Jasudavicius postures up and takes side control. Moving to mount and landing punches as he does. Now the back and she’s got Cachoeira flattened out as she unloads. Back to mount. Hard elbow by Jasudavicius. Posturing up to fire off a barrage of punches. Two minutes to go.

Cachoeira trying to hold Jasudavicius close and keep her from posturing but eating plenty of shots anyway. Jasudavicius just mauling her from the top. One minute to go. Continuing to methodically beat the stuffing out of Cachoeira. This continues until the bell. 10-7 Jasudavicius.

Round two: Cachoeira loading up on the right uppercut to try and scare Jasudavicius off. She lands a couple leg kicks, then gets put on her butt by a clean straight right. Jasudavicius follows her down into half guard and gets back to relentlessly punching her. One minute in. Jasudavicius quickly retakes mount. Playing tight on top. Two minutes in. Back to side control, swatting away with left hands. Not quite as consistent a barrage as in the first right. Cachoeira turns into or and Jasudavicius wraps up a d’arce. It looks deep, but she loses it with two minutes to go.

Elbows from Jasudavicius, then a much deeper d’arce. This looks airtight but Cachoeira’s not going out. She pops out with a minute to go and Jasudavicius goes back to abusing her from mount instead. She continues doing damage until the bell. 10-8 Jasudavicius.

Round three: Cachoeira looking for jabs as she plods forward. She catches Jasudavicius with an uppercut and denies the first takedown attempt. Jasudavicius circling and throwing front kicks. Nice straight right a minute in, then another. She slips and eats some solid punches. Cachoeira still wading after her and throwing. She sprawls on a shot, eats a knee. Trading punches as Jasudavicius wades into the clinch, then separates. Another good sprawl two minutes in. Jasudavicius sprints after her and gets tossed aside, eating a huge punch as she does, but powers through to drag her into side control. Right to the crucifix, dropping punches. North-south with two minutes to go.

Shin to the neck by Jasudavicius as she continues to pound away. Attacking the body now. One minute to go. Cachoeira turns and Jasudavicius wraps up the d’arce again, this time forcing a tap to end one of the most one-sided fights in recent memory.

Final result: Jasudavicius def. Cachoeira by submission (d’arce choke)

125 lbs.: Malcolm Gordon vs. Jimmy Flick

Round one: Gordon coming out hot behind the jab. He catches Flick ducking with an uppercut, stops the next shot, then takes him to the fence. Flick tries a head-and-arm throw, which Gordon avoids before slamming him into side control. Flick quickly regains guard. Gordon postures up for some hard shots but opens himself up for a triangle. Flick trying to tighten it up as Gordon continues to swat him. Gordon stacking, lands a good elbow. He finally pops his head free and continues to land ground-and-pound. Flick trying to use the fence to stand, Gordon snuffs it out with two minutes to go.

Gordon continuing to pound away with punches and elbows. One minute to go. Flick just can’t get a scramble going as Gordon works him over. When he makes a bit of progress, Gordon latches onto a guillotine. It looks incredibly tight, but Flick somehow sweeps into top half guard and clamps down on a Von Flue choke. Gordon saved by the bell. 10-9 Gordon.

Round two: Low kick from Flick, combo from Gordon. Gordon pushing forward with volume, shrugging off a left hook to buzz Flick against the fence. Gordon putting it on him as Flick covers up and retreats. Just as Flick seems to be crumbling, a reactive takedown puts him on top, where he threatens the back before wrapping up an arm triangle. This one’s abominably deep and there’s the tap.

Final result: Flick def. Gordon by submission (arm-triangle choke) — WATCH HIGHLIGHTS!

Remember: will deliver LIVE round-by-round, blow-by-blow coverage of UFC 297’s entire five-fight PPV main card RIGHT HERE, beginning at 10 p.m. ET on ESPN+ PPV. Bet on UFC 297 at DraftKings Sportsbook.

To check out the latest and greatest UFC 297: “Strickland vs. Du Plessis” news and notes be sure to hit up our comprehensive event archive right here.

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